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from our family to yours.

Founded in 1997, our goal remains the same today as it was then; to provide beautiful buckles and awards made of German silver & jeweler's gold, along with custom leather goods, built by hand to ensure the highest quality found in the industry. 

our story

When it comes to building a business (no matter how small, or large) everybody has a story. A goal that evolved over time. A family legacy carried throughout generations. A  passion molded into a lifestyle.


At Tres Rios, our journey stems back over 20 years, and to this day remains incremental part of our business.


Owner Brett Tatum’s roots stem back to the Roseburg, OR area, while wife and co-owner Keylie Tatum’s roots trace back to Durango, CO. Brett was raised on the Christensen Ranch until age 9, when he then moved to Wickenburg AZ. While in Arizona, his family began to build custom buckles, and from 1993 - 2007, Brett’s mother, Vicki Christensen owned and operated company Frontier Trophy Buckles. In 1997, Tres Rios Silver was born as a sister company to Frontier, inspired by the goal of creating quality, custom-made western buckles at an affordable price.


With big vision and inspired minds, Brett & Keylie bought half of the business in 2008. Through the years, they’ve served thousands of clients across the country, and remain family-owned and operated, keeping their faith and family at the core of all they do.


The family currently resides in Decatur, Texas.

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